2013-Jun-06 minutes
LPARC Minutes
June 6, 2013
Austin Lesea, Vice-President; Kathi Larkin, Secretary; Bill Rose, Treasurer; David Katinsky, Charlie Norman.
Guest: Jeff Miller
Austin Lesea called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm
Approval of the May 2, 2013 minutes
Bill moves we approve, David seconds, approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Bill Rose
From last month:
$1142.34 current balance
No change.
(He wrote a check for blades and took a check for membership, but will report on that next month.)
6/11 - Austin
6/18 - Bill
6/25 – Kathi?
7/2 - David
Since we are cancelling the July 4th LPARC meeting, we will need to work out the July nets either via email or on the radio, club net nights.
7/23 - county
Austin bought new blades and installed for windmill on AB6VS repeater (at Charlie’s).
He also shortened the feedline and did some other fixes. Antenna and cable working just fine now.
Work to do:
Need to re-hang antenna and feedline. Mounting system for antenna needs improvement
They unplugged it again, but we are now up and running again
Coordination issue – NARCC application is being re-applied for.
NARCC = Northern Amateur Repeater Coordinating Council
We should ask the county if they would like to transfer responsibility for the coordination to our club. Austin will ask Cap about this. Let’s help take one thing off their plate, since we are responsible for this anyway.
KC6TYG repeater
Still down, Alex will work on it.
President’s Report – George is absent
Old Business
Skyland Run July 6th
We now have 5 volunteers. Any who want to volunteer let David K. know.
David: Normally we run a closed net. Let’s run an open net, uncoordinated.
Field Day - June 22-23
Set up Friday
Starts 11am Saturday – 11am Sunday
K6MI = Austin
Austin will participate with his usual gang, Chews Ridge in Monterey (with internet!)
24-27 hours of continuous operation.
No repeaters, no 30meters, certain bands prohibited.
Try to make contact with North America.
Watsonville Field Day event?
Mountain Residents Night Out - 1st Tues in August
8/6 at Redwood Estates 6-8:30
Sue asked if LPARC wants to attend
George has not responded, but yes we will participate.
From Sue Piercce:
Mt. Residents Out on Tuesday, August 6th, 6-8:30 pm at the Redwood Estates Pavilion.
Participating groups are asked to arrive by 5:30 pm to set-up and to bring a table and couple of chairs. As in the past, 2 complimentary dinner tickets will be given to each participating group.
Please let me know by June 15th. – Kathi emailed her with the YES RSVP.
It went great!
Strawberry Fields
David and Jennifer worked it from here at Burrell.
Had some trouble with the transmission. Solved by moving away from the building.
New Business
Welcome to the club!
Jeff Miller – new ham - KK6EWT would like to join the club and paid his dues.
Announcing events on the air
It was ok to announce the LPFR BBQ (501c3) Event on the air.
Best not to advertise the cost of tickets.
July 4th meeting is cancelled – next LPARC meeting is Thursday, August 1st.
We will fill the nets for that month via email or radio.
Show and tell HT equipment with new member Jeff.
David motions to adjourn, Bill seconds, adjourned at 7:54pm