2012-Mar-05 minutes
Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club
President: David N2RDT VP: George AE6KE Treasurer: Bill KG6VMX Secretary: Jennifer N2RDU
LPARC Minutes 2012-03-05
--- President David N2RDT called the meeting to order in the Burrell Fire Station at 7:09 PM
--- Attendees: George AE6KE, Bill KG6VMX, Bert KG6MBA
Treasurer’s Report
--- Balance of $1902.84, deposit of $80 in dues
Business of various sorts...
--- The previous minutes were approved
--- Henrik Aberg, KF6YBZ, has moved away.
--- Larry Carr has retired as DEC for Santa Clara County, but remains as SEC. Scott Morse is the new DEC.
AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report
--- AB6VS seems to be deaf, according to Austin. (Post Meeting update: There's a new, uncoordinated repeater on Mt Toro at 146.835, PL 127.3 which seems to be screwing things up with the remote base on AB6VS. Turning on PL on receive for the remote base should help, as AE6KE uses transmit and receive PL).
AE6KE ARES Repeater Equipment Report
--- Audio seems noisy here.
Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM
--- 3/6 George AE6KE --- 3/13 Kathi KI6POY Bill KG6VMX
--- 3/20 --- 3/27 Jennifer N2RDU
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM. Next meeting is April 2.
- Submitted by George
- Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club ( http://www.lparc.org/ )
- Serving the Los Gatos Mountains community with emphasis on emergency preparedness and response