2020-Aug-06 minutes
Meeting Notes for Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club 8/6/20
AC6E Mike
N2RDT Dave
KN6JUO Penny
Kathy KD6SEI
Johy AA6JY
19:05 meeting started
motion to approve last meeting's minutes
Net assignments for Tuesday night LPARC net on KC6TYG:
8/11 Mike
8/18 Pam
8/25 Dan
9/1 Penny
No treasurer's report
Assume Bert was reimbursed for h9is expenses
President's report:
Sept electronics flea market at Fry's cancelled. We have not yet sold our donated items.
Send a list of what people have in the club and offer it to Santa Cruz club members
Dan will give Penny a hand identifying some of the items she has to list.
Research other flea markets?
Is there a general flea market in Santa Cruz?
Santa Cruz CERT is having:
8/11 fire safe presentation
8/25 utility safety and handling emergencies
9/16 Map you neighborhood Zoom meeting
9/24 Activation in an emergency
9/30 Santa Cruz POWER2 2020 Event to start taking signups 8/8/20..
David and Jennifer have moved to NC
David suggested we get funding from Loma Prieta Community Foundation
Penny noted that the Radio Programming database has a lot of acronyms.
Can we print out standard programming of RT Systems to PDF format.
Santa Clara Events
8/22 Santa Clara Quarterly Drill.
Are we participating??? Probably not.
We will conduct arm-chair exercises in a less busy month.
Equipment Report:
KC6TYG: Bert has interfaced with some of the other stations
at the same location to make sure we do not interfere with
the other repeaters at that site.
We may be able to get a free link to the internet from that site.
RF interference is being studied, but expected to be minimal.
Dan still has to meet with Dave to learn how to update the LPARC web site.
Motion to adjourn: 19:33