2019-May-02 minutes


Please see minutes, below,


Meeting called to order: 19:01









Scott Green (KE6QZJ)

Last month’s minutes approved

Net (on KC6TYG, 440.650 MHz this month):

Bert (7)

Dan (14)

Penny (21)

Pam (28)

Kathy / Pam (4)

Net control, please announce, on AE6KE, that the net is moved to KC6TYG, just prior to the net time.

Treasure’s report:

Treasurer Bill Rose received a check from Alex Leeman for 539.01$. A receipt will allow Vince to present the donation to work and get a fund match.

During EOC move there were some missing cables that were supplied by Dan. Dan was reimbursed, roughly 200$.

Club balance 2449.26$

Equipment Report:

Burt has been working with SC county to get two more transceivers. Approved! Two more 2730’s on the way!

Purchased a Nifty reference guide for the radios.

AB6VU is still under repair.

KC6TYG is working perfectly.

Nets on TYG? TYG info on the webpage.

AE6KE Issue associated with sensitivity, remains. No change. Recent reports of unintentional interference.

Equipment question about the packet station. Why isn’t it working? Exercise at Redwood Estates did not see a working packet station. It worked just prior. Troubleshooting at hypothesis stage. A printer at the event was an awesome addition! Great for packet!

President’s Report:

San Lorenzo Valley RC has a Thursday evening net (rag chew) on WR6AOK 147.120+, PL=94.8Hz.

Trouble finding map to plot the simplex radio experiment results on.

Field day June 21 - 23 on Bonny Doone (San Lorenzo Valley ARC sponsors). Interest?

Note that field day is a contest day for many hams. Contesting is not a requirement of field day.

Club meeting tomorrow night. We can learn the spot at that time.

Penny will send an email to the club concerning field day.

May 18 (Saturday) quarterly drill with SC county, at 10AM to noon. If you want to participate in the setup you probably need to start at eight o’clock to set up. This drill can be accomplished from home (if you don’t want to go to the EOC).

Dan is interested in participating in the drill, with a packet station at home.

Penny, Bert, Kathy volunteered to participate. Exercise on.

Upcoming events:

Saturday at nine in Sunnyvale message passing class

Quarterly drill, Thursday the ninth.

May 8th, evening, IEEE communication society will present a lecture on drone assisted, mobile, edge computing at Texas Instruments.

New business?

Beta version of Outpost is due in May. People are invited to download the version and try it. The first or second of June the product version will be available.

Outpost vs Winlink. Winlink appears to be the easier program to use. We may want to get more familiar with the WInlink templates to enable better communications with Santa Cruz county.

Meeting adjourned: 20:09
