2017-05-04 minutes

May 04, 2017 LPARC Minutes


Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, President

John Yontz, KA6HCG, Vice President

Gary Watson, K6PDL, EC

Penny Allen, KM6JUO, Member

Dan Pugh, KM6GNG, Member


Bert called the meeting to order at 7:02PM. The minutes from last month’s meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Even though Bill Rose did not attend, Dan Pugh, KM6GNG Paid his 2017 dues ($25.00) to Bert to be later transferred to Bill Rose.


09MY16 Dan

16MY 16 Bert

23MY 16 Penny

30MY16 John


• After Bert and John visited the AB6VU repeater site 6 or so times. AB6VU is now back in full operation. There was a bad ground connection and one of the two gel cell batteries had to be replaced (at a cost of $346.05).

• AE6KE and KC6TYG repeaters are working well.

ARES EC Report

Dan mentioned that he has fulfilled most of the requirements for MAC certification with Santa Clara County. Dan received support from Gary Watson, our EC which will help get Dan his certification. Bert (AEC) and Gary (EC) went to the Santa Clara quarterly EC meeting. They were briefed on Santa Clara’s upcoming exercise on 20MY7 at 2-4 PM. Loma Prieta was also invited to participate in the Santa Clara Tuesday night weekly county Nets. Bert actually ran their county net for 02MY17. The expected goal of the exercise is for each Santa Clara city to send 3 voice and 5 packet messages to the Santa Clara county EOC. Dan led a brief discussion of mike-mike messages.

President’s Report



• Bert led a discussion of the process in which Loma Prieta will participate in the Santa Clara Tuesday weekly nets. The net control responsibility is done on an 11-week rotational basis. Loma Prieta will be the Net control next on 17JL17. On other weeks Loma Prieta will call in its check-in count to the county net.

New Business

• For the 20MY7 drill exercise, it was discussed that folks will check-in on a resource net (AB6KE) and will be assigned to deploy to the field. No power will be provided , so the operators need to provide power and anything else that will be required for the club to successfully send 3 voice and 5 packet messages to the Santa Clara county EOC

Old Business

• N/A

Action Items

• Bert Bailey to generate a club list based on the attendees with their phone numbers, callsigns, e-mail address and street addresses. This will be used to allow implementation of a phone tree eventually.


The meeting was adjourned at 0820 PM.