2011-Dec-05 Minutes

David, Jennifer, Bill, Leon, Charlie, Kathi, Ann, Fred Eggers

December 5, 2011

Burrell CAL FIRE Station

Open at 19:05

Meeting minutes from the November meeting were read and accepted as read.

Deferred Treasurer's Report as Bill

Bill provided the Treasurer's Report:

Closed out account with a balance of $1753.75

Output Reimbursement request for George Smith for $144.91

Balances as of December Meeting:

$1758.75 balance as of last treasurer's report

$1647.84 balance as of today

Club Dues - $25.00 individual

$30.00 family

Equipment Status

AB6VS - is doing fine - wind generator shutdown - solar panel still up.

AE6KE - George went to HRO and purchased feed line and extended antenna by 12 feet. Checked after wind storm and

seemed okay. The repeater audio was not wonderful after County Net testing. Many different

theories - batteries were a concern, but George did testing and did not find an issue. If the

problem persists, George will bring the unit to Jeff to evaluate. We need to observe over the

next few Tuesday nets to determine if issue reoccurs. Perhaps the 12 volt batteries we have

can be put in place.

George updated the frequency lists and reprogrammed the radios in the community center.

David asked if we have done an SWR check on the two antennas at the Community Center?

George answered No.

George suggested since the radios are now programmed that someone see which frequency can be reached

Net control operators for December 2011 - Thank you to those who have volunteered!

12/06 David

12/13 George

12/20 Kathi

12/27 N2RDU w/County Net

01/03 Bill

Meeting moved to January 9th due to New Year's holiday.


See above for ARES Equipment

New business:

Welcome to our guests!

Net - are we doing ok with the timing of the LPARC net? LPARC net seems to be in a good place.

Any suggestions are open for us to make the LPARC net better, so please do bring up items.

If there is an emergency what is the procedure for the radio operators? - we are coordinated by

Santa Cruz County and Santa Clara County ARES.

Discussion of emergency situations and how we communicate in a such situations.

Discussion of establishing communications within neighborhoods, hierarchy of communications and CERT training.

Discussions of Neighborhood Emergency Communications. Red Cross covers a great amount of information about the

Family and Neighborhood plans.

Reference Links:

Any training or events members wish?

Please make a suggestion if you have.

There will be shelter drill at RW Estates in April.

Election Results for 2012 Officers of the Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club.

David Katinsky as President

George Smith as Vice President ***GEORGE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT 2013*****

Bill Rose as Treasurer

Jennifer Katinsky as Secretary

Discussion of different frequencies and their uses by different public service organizations, pilots and

Amateur Radio Operators.

A new Roster has been requested - proposed members would be helpful, along with past presidents - update

is requested.


No Training for this evening.

Old business:

Jennifer sent email to follow up with Sherry McNamara about the Boy Scout involvement.

New ideas for people to be apart of the club - Boy Scouts? Scout Leaders Ricardo David, Bill Taylor

are interested.

Need Volunteers:

Looking for a liaison to the Santa Cruz County and Santa Clara County Emergency Coordinator.

Looking for an ARES Coordinator.

Next Meeting January 9, 2012.

Motion to adjourn by George and Leon.

Meeting closed at 20:36.

2011 LPARC Officers

David Katinsky - President

****VACANT****- Vice President

Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary

Bill Rose - Treasurer

2012 LPARC Officers

David Katinsky - President

George Smith - Vice President

Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary

Bill Rose - Treasurer