2016-Jan-07 minutes
January 07, 2016 LPARC Minutes
Austin Lesea, AB6VU, President
Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President
Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer
Gary Watson, K6PDL, ARES EC
David Katinsky, N2RDT, member
Mary Billingsley, Guest
A Guest, Mary Billingsley, introduced herself to the club. She is a retired PG&E radio dispatcher and is interested in getting into HAM. She lives up near where Charlie Norman used to live. She has a tower on her property used by the IBM HAM club. She asked for guidance in getting started on becoming a HAM. She received lots of advice and points of contact to help her get started. Welcome Mary!
Austin called the meeting to order at 7:02PM.
Approval of the December 3, 2015 minutes
Accepted without change.
Treasurer’s Report
Bill reported that the club current balance is the same as last month: $686.97.
Bill did collect new dues of $140 from the attendees at the meeting
05JA16 Austin
12JA16 Bert
26JA16 Austin?
02FE16 David
• The KC6TYG repeater is failing and resetting at random times. It was decided that Bert will take the repeater down and transport it to Austin’s place. Austin will work with the vendor to get it repaired.
• The AB6VS still has a hum in it. Austin says that he suspects that the problem is that the windmill generator is turned off (It bothers the local dogs due to the sound coming off the prop blades). Austin recommends that the club just add another solar panel and retire the windmill. Bert made the motion that the club purchases a second solar panel and the motion was seconded and carried. Austin will get a second solar panel. In the spring there will be a work party to put the panel up and take down the windmill.
• The AE6KE repeater is working well.
• Bert gave a report on contacting the Santa Cruz County Director of General Services, Nancy regarding our equipment lost in the Sheriff substation fire. Nancy was Paul Horvat’s boss until he switched over to the City of Santa Cruz. Bert will generate an equipment lost list and make recommendations for hardware replacements. Nancy recommended that Bert work with Cap. Bert will be setting up a meeting with Cap and Nancy this month to review the equipment list and its costs. David recommended that the club consider dual radios as opposed to simple dual band radios.
ARES EC Report
• Nothing new to report
President’s Report
• N/A
• Bert briefed folks on the packet meeting held at Austin’s place on 05DE15. It was attended by Austin, Bert, Gary and Eddie (W6OPQ).
• Bert again asked for 4 topics the club would like to see training sessions in the coming year.
New Business
Dave asked if the weekly net could be moved to a later time, as it conflicts with folks’ dinner. After a bit of discussion it was decided not to change the time of the net.
Old Business
Austin is still working on getting the AB6Vs repeater call sign changed over to AB6VU.
Dave motions, Gary seconds, meeting was adjourned at 08:15 pm.