2016-Aug-06 minutes
08-06-2015 LPARC Minutes
Austin Lesea, AB6VU, President
Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President
Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary
Gary Watson, K6PDL, ARES EC
David Katinsky, N2RDT, Member
Cap Pennell, KE6AFE, Member
Austin called the meeting to order at 7:04pm
Approval of the June 4, 2015 minutes
Gary motions, Bert seconds, minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report N/A
August 4 - Austin
August 11 – Bert
August 18 - David
August 25 – Kathi, 4th Tuesday is when we run the county net
September 1 - Austin
AE6KE – wonderful
AB6VS - We have pl tone squelch. Great work, Austin!
Bert and Austin will go tomorrow to put it back up in the shack.
KC6TYG – (just keeping this item in until we have it all worked out)
It is now on a timer and still works!
This is still in the works:
Bill is working with Alex and Kathi to program the FT-8500 that resides at LPFR. LPFR will need to purchase the software (approx $25) so he can load the local frequencies on that radio).
Austin has heard that Alex is working on securing an antenna that will work on both 2m and 44cm repeaters.
ARES EC Report
Race Through the Redwoods 8/15, opportunity to help and practice skills.
See email from Gary to the club.
New laptop for the community center is updated to Windows 10.
All software we need is installed on it.
President’s Report N/A
New Business N/A
MRNO was 8/4 at Redwood Estates.
We got 2 names/signups of people interested in learning more
Kathi will follow up with invitation to club meeting, link to club and county website.
Other suggestions:
Would you like to be added to the club mailing list?
Send ARRL website, too.
Santa Cruz County website has an ARES signup link.
Austin installed Echolink on his cell phone. Available for Android and IOS.
Cap raised an issue about the NARC coordination of the AE6KE repeater.
Austin motions the LPARC takes on the responsibility of coordinating the AE6KE repeater with NARC (there is no fee to pay to NARC).
Background info:
We get 1 vote at annual meeting because we, the club, already are a member
AB6VS is already coordinated with NARC.
David seconds, approved.
Bert presents his plan for packet training. He gave us all a handout. Great work, Bert!
Bert motions that he buy/get two USB TNCs.
Austin seconds, approved.
Old Business N/A
Bert motions meeting adjourned, Gary seconds, adjourned at 7:47pm