2015-Apr-02 minutes

04-02-2015 LPARC Minutes


Austin Lesea, AB6VS, President

Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President

Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary

Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer

George Smith, AE6KE, Member

Austin called the meeting to order at 7:01pm

Approval of the March 5, 2015 minutes

George motions, Bert seconds, approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Dues are due: $25 individuals, $30 for families.

If you missed this meeting you can mail the dues, payable to LPARC, to:


P.O. Box 385

Redwood Estates, CA 95044

$265 in dues collected, 13 paid members current on the list

$1365.08 balance

$200 insurance not yet paid. Austin says we voted on it, so go ahead and pay it.


April 7 - Bert

April 14 - Gary

April 21 - George

April 28 - Kathi

May 5 – Bill?


AE6KE - wonderful

AB6VS – do not use

440cm controller went out and does not detect pl.

The Fix: pl controller needs to be built and installed.

Noone has time and energy to do this, so just use AE6KE.

Needs a full reinstall, refurb, take repeater and controller to Austin’s house.

Note to net controllers:

Use AE6KE. Announce on AB6VS that you are not broadcasting there and that you will be on the other, since they cannot be linked at the moment.

KC6TYG -Off the air

Needs to be on 24 hour timer so it turns off once a day, 5 mins of interruption will cure it.

This is still in the works:

Bill is working with Alex and Kathi to program the FT-8500 that resides at LPFR. LPFR will need to purchase the software (approx $25) so he can load the local frequencies on that radio).

Austin has approval from LPFR (is this correct?) to secure an antenna that will work on both 2m and 44cm repeaters.

Kathi will forward Alex’s email to Austin.

ARES EC Report N/A

President’s Report N/A

New Business N/A

Training N/A

Old Business

LP Science Fair – March 28th

Hoping she got the help she needed.

George motions meeting adjourned at 7:12 pm, Bert seconds, adjourned.