2018-09-06 minutes
Meeting CTO 1900 hours.
Members present: Dan Kathy Bert Will Pam Penny.
Sept 11. Bert
18. Dan
25 Pam
Oct. 2. Penny
Treas Rpt: none
Equip Rpt: the wiring for the repeater link is working. Bert recommended building a PC board for replacing the cinch blocks.
Both new transceivers have been programmed, as well as the laptop;
and laptop was updated with Windows 10.
Pres Rpt: Since the last meeting I attended four functions.
RDF Search and Locate Mini Drill, XSC Quarterly Drill, MRNO event, and Yellow Command.
Sept 12-16 Santa Cruz Co Fair
Sept 15 Cross Band Repeating/Antenna Fundamentals
Oct 19-21 Pacificon
Nov 17 Message Passing Class in Sunnyvale
And TBD, Ray Wentz of SLVARC will teach a general license class,
probably first Mon in Oct for 6 successive weeks. 2 hour sessions will be held at St Andrews Episcopal Church in Ben Lomond. No charge.
Training/Edu: we discussed the Yellow Command exercise held today.
New Business: Bert is looking into having the old transceivers repaired so we can have them for backups.
Old Business: 95033
Adjourned 2017.