2016-Oct-06 minutes

Oct 06, 2016 LPARC Minutes


Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President

Gary Watson, K6PDL, ARES EC

John Yontz, KA6HCG, member

David Katinsky, N2RDT, member

Ron Morin, KK6YZU, Secretary

Austin Lesea, AB6VU, President

Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer

Penny Allen, Guest

Tom Beckmann, K6TJB, Guest


Austin called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

Treasurer’s Report

Bill reported that the club current balance is $918.17


11 Oct16 Bert

18 Oct16 Gary

25 Oct16 Bill

01 Nov16 Austin


• Bert reported that the remote base between AE6KA and AB6VS repeaters works off and on.

• Bert and John went to an equipment auction and purchased a 3’ x 1 1/2” x 6’ tall equipment cabinet. Net cost was $21.00. They have put together a plan to build wooden shelves for the cabinet and will bolt the cabinets to the wall.

• Negotiated with school to route cables onto the roof, put 2 antennas on top of the building. There are 2 additional antennas that are mobile for calls.

• Now looking for tables, a printer, headphones and extension cords.

ARES EC Report

Reminder that on Oct. 14-16, the ARRL Pacific Division and the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club present Pacificon 2016. This will be at the San Ramon Marriott Hotel at 2600 Bishop Drive. Go to w6sg.net/site/pacificon-2016 for the schedule and details. He highly recommends attending some or all of this 3 day event. The cost is $25 on-line / $30 at event

John and Bert are going to Pacificon on Oct. 15th for the day, have room for one or two more people in their car.

On Oct. 29th the Santa Clara Emergency Preparation Drill is scheduled to be held, go to the Santa Clara County ARES website to sign up to participate.

President’s Report

• Nov: gather candidate nominations for club member positions

• Dec: vote and elect candidates

• Austin will be traveling internationally and will be stepping down as President at the end of Dec.


• Bert to provide upcoming discussions on: Activation, Call-up and Incident Command System

• Also can go to the FEMA site for ICS training

New Business

• Issue a new phone tree

• Go on-line to Santa Cruz ARES site and add our contact information – All

• Write procedures for activation – Gary volunteered

Old Business

• N/A


The meeting was adjourned at 07:39 PM.