1. Meeting called to order at 07:03 PM on 01 August 2013. 2. Attendees: George Smith, Austin Lesea, Bert Bailey, Jeff Miller, Bill Rose, David Katinsky 3. June 2013 meeting minutes were passed around and accepted. 4. Bill Rose gave the treasury report. Current balance stands at 1031.26. Bill deposited one
membership check for $25, and wrote a check for $135 for windmill blades. 5. Net control for the next month are: 8/6 Austin, 8/13 Bert, 8/20 George, 8/27 Kathi, and 9/3 will
be Bill . 6. Equipment Status: The windmill is sitting on Austin’s floor at home. We need a climber to help
put it back up. Austin recommends that the work party be delayed until September after all vacations are over and the weather cool down a bit. The AE6KE repeater is working again. The KC6TYG repeater is still in a repair cycle
7. Skyland Run: The club support for the Skyland Run in July went well. However at the 5K turn around point it was difficult to connect with the AE6KE repeater. In past years the AB6VS repeater was used with better results. It was suggested that next year, that the club considers going back to using the AB6VS repeater instead of the AE6KE repeater.
8. Field Day: Austin gave a report on his group’s activities on Chews Ridge. They did some Morse and SSB contacts. Austin thinks they made >1200 QSO’s and that they will place in the top 5 for their class. However, they did not make any satellite contacts and when a high gust of wind came up around 2:00AM- they dismantled the satellite antenna and elected to not try further satellite contacts.
9. Mountain Residents Night Out: Occurs on Tuesday 06 Aug 2013 from 6-8 PM. The club will have a booth and hand out pamphlets. George and Bill will attend. Dave hopes to also attend, but cannot make it for setup.
10. Good news: Jeff got his General License and will soon be up on 10,15,20 and 40 meters. 11. Misc:
a. George received a certificate for being the LP EOC – a job which he retired from in 2010. b. Dave has lunch recently with Scott Morse (DEC) for Santa Clara. Scott wants continuing
support from LPARC. c. A concern was raised about digital emergency comms: Most bay area county Ham
groups use FL Digi suite for their digital comms. Santa Clara uses other Software. If Loma Prieta is the bridge between Santa Cruz and Santa Clara –do our operators need to be capable with both software packages? The immediate answer is that voice comms will be around for some time to come
12. Meeting adjourned at 07:42 PM.