2011-May-02 minutes

David, Jennifer, Bob, Vic, Kay, Ann, Bert, Charlie

May 2, 2011

Burrell CAL FIRE Station

Open at 19:07

Meeting minutes from the April meeting are accepted as read. Motioned, agreed.

Deferred Treasurer's Report as Bill was not present.

Bill has been traveling and has not been able to provided the Treasurer's Report:

Balances from February Meeting:

$1771.79 balance as of today.

Club Dues - $25.00 individual

$30.00 family

Due by as soon as possible.

Equipment Status - nothing new to report.

No issue that are known - David asked about an issue that Jennifer reported, but the issue was related to our home.

The repeater site is scheduled for clean up.

This is a May activities - Feed line repairs should be checked and maintained.

We are assuming the repeaters are ok.

Winds have been active.

Net control operators for May 2011 - Thank you to those who have volunteered!

5/3 N2RDU Jennifer

5/10 KG6MBA Bert

5/17 AE6KE George

5/24 N2RDU Jennifer w/county net

5/31 KG6VMX Bill


No ARES Report

Looking for someone to help out with ARES coordination.

Any volunteers?

Monthly Topic:

Clean up, inspect, and make needed repairs to repeater and site at AB6VS

Sunday May 22, 2011 @ 08:00 is the date.

David confirmed with Charlie.

New business:

Bert will be teaching a HAM class at the Volunteer Fire Department off Summit Road. Every Wednesday through June starting

Wednesday June 8th 7-9PM

If interested please contact BBert at bbailey@stellarsolutions.com

Vic brought the Elecraft XG3 RF Signal Source to show = the unit actually is able to do Fox Hunt Device - estimated cost is $150

KB6FBI message: If you are interested in a telescoping tower one was seen for sale, one block in on Camden Ave from Blossom Hill Road in San Jose/Los Gatos.

W6HUL and N2RDT shared information about water towers (antennas).

Charlie came with gifts!

Bobbie and Charlie presented a gift certificate for $25.00 to HRO.

It was decided to use the gift certificate for equipment if needed for the Repeater work day.

Charlie also presented a box of items donated by Mrs. Sermon.

Old business:

Skyland Run Radio Support - July 2, 2011 - Please if you can attend-please let us know.

Bert and Vic volunteered to help out at the Skyland Run.


Any topics which people want to discuss for the future? Any suggests please let us know.

Participate in Field Day? - Choices:

WVARA - will be at Mora Hill

W6HUL - Morgan Hill EOC

Cal Fire Training Facility in Ben Lomand

Need Volunteers:

Board Appointment for VP - still need to fill.

Board Member - Role besides four officers - unfilled positions are no appointed by the board.

Great if some would step up with Training - light exercises or training for the meetings.

Looking for a liaison to the Santa Cruz County and Santa Clara County Emergency Coordinator.

CERT - Questions? Joint Meeting?

Learn more about the relationship with Volunteer Fire Department and LPARC (expectations during emergency)

Next Meeting June 6, 2011.

Motion to adjourn by Kay.

Meeting closed at 20:15.

Monthly focus item - What do we have planned for this year?

Jan - Discuss of what we what to do this year.

Feb - Options for Field Day

Mar - Participation for Field Day

Apr - MNN article direct mailings for Field Day

May - Repeater work day

Jun - Field Day - last full weekend in Jun.

Jul - BBQ and Antenna Building Party

Aug - Nominating - National Night Out

Sep - Fox/Tee Hunt

Oct - Special Event - Not doing this event.

Nov - Elections

2011 LPARC Officers

David Katinsky - President

***vacant***- Vice President

Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary

Bill Rose - Treasurer