2019-Mar-07 minutes
Meeting called to order at 1902 hrs.
Members present: Kathy Bert Bill Dan Gary Penny
March 12. Bert
19. Pam
26. Dan
Apr 2 Penny
It was decided to continue our simplex exercises prior to EACH Net. Therefore at 7pm all members please tune to 440.550 simplex. We will see who can hear whom from the locations each person happens to be at. Please announce yourselves on the signal check freq. Please write down your location, who you could hear, the signal quality, and their locations, then send that info in an email to Penny. I will crunch the data and correlate it with the coverage maps Vince created for the repeaters.
Gary did a swearing in of Kathy for DSW. He mentioned that to be a disaster service worker in CA, we need to complete courses ICS 100, 200, and 700 on the FEMA website. These are ARES requirements now, also. No charge for the online courses. https://training.fema.gov/is/crslist.aspx
Treas Rpt: Balance $2123.93. Bill made a hard copy of our current membership roster.
Equipment Rpt: TYG repeater is working great thanks to recent upkeep performed by our club members. AE6KE rptr is having intermittent sensitivity issues (rain). We need to buy 1.5' RG8 coax with PL259 male connectors each end to replace its cable. For the AB6VU rptr, Bert is continuing to build the interface box with two circuit boards which will replace its "spaghetti ware" connections.
Pres Rpt: Local rptr for 2m band rag chew. N6NSI, 145.230 (-) 100Hz
And. K6BJ , 146.790 (-) 94.8 Hz
Discussion of having 'radio users basics' class for Baofeng and Yaesu handhelds.
Review of the last EOC quarterly drill.
Results of our first simplex signal test: Dave Bert Pam Penny could hear some of each other's transmissions. It was pouring rain and signal quality was poor overall. We decided to add more location data to our results so we can generate a coverage map of sorts. We will continue these tests before each net this month to augment our data.
Upcoming events:
March 18-20. ICS 300 class. Three days. No charge. 55 W Younger St. SJ. Prerequisite is ICS 100 200 700. Go to https://ICS_300@eventbrite.com
Sea Otter Classic April 18-21. All club members encouraged to participate. We can ride share.
April 27 MERC exercise at Redwood Estates. 8:30-noon. LPARC will provide ARES support and simulate transmission to Red Cross. Both voice and packet from a remote station, battery only.
George Williams will receive. We will use Red Cross tactical frequencies and Santa Clara BBS frequencies tied to Silicon Valley.
May 18 Santa Clara ARES will have another quarterly drill.
Adjourned 1014 hrs
Penny Allen