2017-12-07 minutes
Hello members,
Meeting called to order at 1900 hrs.
Dan discussed a Ham exercise at Dominican Hospital he participated in last month. He noted that the Ham facilities there need improving. He was a one man station performing the exercise successfully in spite of the general lack of Ham equipment. Well done Dan!!
Present were: Bert John Penny Pam Dave Dan Bill Vince and Will
Last month's minutes were approved.
Treas report: current balance $814.79
LPCF grant of $500 was approved for our club. It was ok'd to purchase new transceivers for EOC. Bert is considering ICom IC2730 model at approx $300 each. A $250 spending cap was agreed in addition to the grant money for the purchase. Bert will take action on this upgrade.
Dec. 12 Dan
19 Vince
26 Bert
Jan. 2 John
Bert will call to see if XSZ still conducts a net on the first Tues of month because none was heard last Tues.
Also Bert and Dave will update our NET script to include the XSC NET which follows our net at 8:00 pm every Tues.
Equipment Report: AE6KE and KC6TYG repeaters are working.
AB6VU repaired controller will be reinstalled by
ARES E.C. Report: Bert and Penny went to the ARRL Pacific Division
membership meeting in Livermore. Other area directors and ARES reps were present.
The use of hand held radios in motor vehicles was discussed. The new cell phone law didn't address ham radio use. The use of corded microphones with permanently mounted radios is ok. Dan will email us a copy of the CHP directory on the matter.
Antennas were also discussed in light of homeowner association rules.
Federal and state law preempts municipal laws about antennas and radio stations. There are currently two bills in congress on these issues.
Bert asked if ham radio comms had been used during the Santa Rosa fires. The Santa Rosa ham club self activated for their own purposes but there was no FEMA call for ham assistance, except for about 20 operators.
Presidents Report: nominations were taken in Nov. for 2018 club officers. They are:
Pres. Penny Allen. KM6JUO. 408-605-8405
V.P. John Yountz. AA6JY. 408-353-1791
Treas. Bill Rose.
Sec. Vince Duperron. 408-332-1056
Board memb. Dave Katinsky N2RDT 408-771-3504
L.P. Emerg Coord Bert Bailey KG6MBA. 408-353-3332
The slate was accepted, voted as a whole, and elected.
Congratulations new 2018 officers.
Dave will update our club officers on the ARRL website.
New Business: Bill will advise us that dues are payable in Jan.
We voted to raise the dues: $40 individual membership
$50 family membership
$25 student membership
Bert would like to see the club do more training exercises ie ICS practice, Fox Hunt exercise, activation procedures, etc. phone tree