2010-Sep-13 minutes
David, Jennifer, Hannah, Bill, George, Charlie, Leon, Kay, Vic, Kathi
Open at 19:38
Meeting minutes for the August meeting were agreed to.
Bill (William) provided the Treasurer's Report:
$1800.36 balance as of today.
$ 35.33 phone bill
$ 00.00 deposit of dues
Equipment Status
Nothing to Report
Net control operators for September
9/14 Jennifer
9/21 Bill
9/28 Kathi
Santa Cruz County Fair - September 18th weekend - Clint Reiner is handling arrangement
Santa Cruz Triathalon on the September 26th.
Training on Santa Clara Site - Net Control One Sunnyvale - October 9th.
Mutual Aide - Morgan Hill - Need to be in the program - September 25th.
Introduction to Emergency Communications - Milpitis - October 16th.
George told Cap that he will be resigning as E.C. by the end of the year.
There is no one in line to take the throne.
Monthly Focus - Nominating Committee
George nominated Charlie for President - Charlie declined.
The slate of nominees will mirror that of the current officers.
New business:
Board Meeting took place on September 2nd - Agenda included:
Review of By Laws took place. - Goal: to update for accuracy.
Discussion of Club Mission to bring a more positive force.
Make meetings more interesting by considering lengthening the meeting but starting earlier to end at the
same time as we do today.
Size and Composition of our Membership.
Discussion of language changes to the by-laws were talked to by David.
Discussion of need of Board of Directors.
Changes were made to language mostly. No privledges added or deleted.
Tightened dues language and benefits.
Discussion surrounding ARES vs. Loma Prieta Club benefits.
Specifically added language to deal with voting methods -
George commented on the voting methods. David asked that if George had wording specifying
use of email.
Unincorporated areas of the Santa Cruz and Santa Clara Counties (remove 95033)
Mail will be sent of changes to the Club - To turn on Tracking go to
Menu Bar Tools Tracking Highlight (what was and what is being proposed).
Coast Guard Auxillary is looking for a repeater site. There are issues using Mt. Um... as originally planned.
Looking for a place to cover the Monteray area and has a shot at Mt. Diablo for Link. If anyone
knows of a site, please contact Vic.
Old business:
No old business.
George - pointed people at the ARES RACES page on Santa Clara Website - Syllabus with powerpoint slides
for classes. George presented a wallet size scale of indexes for the scale of Earthquake Modified
Mercalli Scale. (Mike-Mike)
This will be moved to the next meeting.
Ann brought up learning more about their HT's.
Bring your HT's and manuals to the October 4, 2010 meeting.
Discussion about moving the meeting start time to 19:00. Suggestion to have Treasurer's Report emailed.
Charlie motioned the meeting time to 19:00, Bill seconded the motion.
Motion carries - 5 yeh:3 nay - Starting in January 2011 19:00 start with close by 20:30.
Suggestion for Training in the future - possibility to move off site and meet at a coffee shop or some other
Suggestion to do an advertising and recruitment push and also a drop in for currently licensed operators.
Bring this up in the old business next month.
Motion to adjorn. 20:48PM.
Monthly focus item - What do we have planned for this year?
Jan - Discuss of what we what to do this year.
Feb - Options for Field Day
Mar - Participation for Field Day
Apr - MNN article direct mailings for Field Day
May - Repeater work day
Jun - Field Day - last full weekend in Jun.
Jul - BBQ and Antenna Building Party
Aug - Nominating - National Night Out
Sep - Fox/Tee Hunt
Oct - Special Event - Not doing this event.
Nov - Elections
2010 LPARC Officers
David Katinsky - President
Kathi Larkin - Vice President
Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary
Bill Rose - Treasurer