2013-Sep-05 minutes

09­05­2013 LPARC Minutes

LPARC Minutes

Present: George Smith, President; Austin Lesea, Vice President; Kathi Larkin, Secretary, Bill Rose, Treasurer; David Katinsky, Cap Pennell, Charlie Norman, Vic Linderholm

George Smith called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm

Approval of the August 1, 2013 minutes

George suggests we approve minutes as he amended - Austin moves we approve, Vic seconds, approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill Rose



9/10 - Austin 9/17 - George 9/24 - Kathi 10/1 - David


Austin suggests a work party on AB6VS, installing the windmill. Aim for weekend of 10/28-29, t.b.d. David and Bill have harnesses. Check them out for safety prior to the date. Do a safety review prior to the climbing work.

Charlie says the new owner, T.J. Noto, knows about the repeater and has spoken with Jeff M. He is in favor of supporting the ham club activities, just requires contact before coming on his property.

Charlie has a couple of ICOM rigs he would like to give away. Austin says he can take them into inventory and see that they find a home.

President’s Report – George Smith


Old Business

Cap says we need an EC for our area.


Cap suggests we install FL Digi (for sending and receiving) and FL Msg (generates message forms. Free software - try communicating with repeaters via computer.

Vic motions to adjourn, David seconds, adjourned at 7:45 pm