2017-Mar-02 minutes

March 02, 2017 LPARC Minutes


Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, President

John Yontz, KA6HCG, Vice President

Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer

David Katinsky, N2RDT, Floating board Member

Gary Watson, Emergency Coordinator

Austin, AB6VU, Member

Dan Pugh, KM6GNG, Guest

Stefan, KM6IKK, Guest


Bert called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. Stefan Nunn, KM6IKK introduced himself to the club.

Treasurer’s Report

Bill reported that the club current balance is $849.73 73 after

reimbursing Austin for $310 cost for the repair of the AB6VS repeater.


07 MR16 Bert

14 MR 16 Bill

21 MR 16 John

28 MR 16 Austin


  • AE6KE repeater performance is up and down. There was discussion

  • to upgrade the charger to a higher current smart charger that will regulate the charge current without frying the batteries. Austin and Dave talked about programming the repeater to give the callsign AB6VU instead of AB6VS.

  • AB6VS repeater is back from repair, but not installed yet. Bert will pick it up from Austin and get it installed.

  • The KC6TYG repeater is working well.

  • Bert finally got a new USB to serial cable and put it in the school equipment cabinet.

ARES EC Report

Gary provided no EC report, but did mention the upcoming training classes to be held by Santa Clara County. Dan passed to Bert the following info:

The Santa Clara County ARES/RACES events page: https://www.scc-ares-races.org/activities/events.php has links to the various training that is offered. For each of the topics, one can click on the title and it will take one to a page that details the class and has a link to the training materials.

For courses that have already occurred, at the top of the above link, you can click the option to show past events, such as the Message Passing training, and go into the event to see the requirements and the materials.

For example, the Message Passing course materials can be found at:


President’s Report

Bert commented on the success of the February 18 exercise at the EOC.

He noted the accomplishments and some areas where improvements could be made:

Accomplishments of the exercises:

1) The packet and voice radios were successfully assembled

2) Everyone sent packets using the SCCO Outpost packet client

SW program.

3) Everyone composed/sent voice messages using ICS213 forms.

4) The format of the ICS213/311 was utilized for sign-in and sign-out.

5) The Winlink Express software was updated.

6) The packet system was setup to communicate with the school's WiFi

and Internet.

Areas for Improvement:

1) Better familiarity with hand programming of radios

2) We need more practice sending/receiving formal voice messages.

3) We would benefit from ICS training to learn the ICS header names

Bert also mentioned that Congratulations goes to John, KA6HCG, who has passed his Extra License exam.

John also recently setup and got running his own packet radio system at home.


· John passed out a presentation from the ARECC that detailed what was required for 24 and 72 hour jump kits. He then showed us what he has packed in his 24-hour kit.

New Business

· N/A

Old Business



The meeting was adjourned at 0830 PM.