2009-Jul-06 minutes
July 6, 2009 minutes
July 6, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Location: Burrell Fire Station, Highland Road
In attendance: Jerry AE6I, Kathi KI6POY, George AE6KE, David N2RDT, Hannah MASCOT,
Jennifer N2RDU, Kay KI6POL, Alex K8ARK, Charlie AB6VS, Anne KI6OGJ, Richard W1WUH.
The President, David N2RDT, called the meeting to order at 7:36.
Jennifer reviewed the meeting minutes for the May meeting. George motioned to approve the minutes and Kay
second the motion - May 2009 meeting minutes approved.
Treasure Report
Income: $50.00
Expenses: $33.68
Balance: $1162.51
Equipment Report:
Austin determined there was not a voltage regulation issue -
it was a configuration problem with the wiring - solar panel had an issue which was resolved
by repairing charger - terminals were also cleaned of corossion. Everything is functioning as it should be.
Voltage booster was purchased and returned. Additional Solar panel discussions should still continue.
Discussion of DVR purchase - since equipment is now functioning properly
David will work with George and Austin to decide what purchases need to be made.
David to follow up with George for reimbursement of literature for science fair.
Net Control For July
7/7 Kathi
7/14 George
7/21 Jennifer
7/28 David
ARES Report
Equestrian Endurance Ride - 7/18
Santa Cruz Mountain Century - 7/25
Santa Clara County Training - Cross band repeater training on - 7/11
Windshield Survey Training - damage assessment from the road - 8/1
Skyland Run - 7/11
3+ operators needed - Those who have volunteered - Bert, Vince, Kathi, Anne
- Charlie (observer/mentor)
George is coordinating. Contact George for information - Please arrive no later the 8:00AM.
George distributed Skyland Run Communications Plan.
Mountain Residents (National) Night Out - 8/4 - Redwood Estates Pavillion.
The net will be run from the site.
David and Jennifer will be at the site manning the table. All are welcome.
Focus for August - Officer Nominations
Special Event Station - October 17, 2009 - Special Event Call Sign will be used. David needs to
send note to QST to announce the event, and the MNN deadline is Sept 9th - George will speak with LPCF to
determine if they want to sponsor the event. A discussion was started about how to expand the event into
and emergency preparedness event along with getting other groups involved with the commemoration of the
event. Discussion also took place around Event timing.
New Business -
HAM Radio class - Starting Wedneday October 21 at 7PM - 4 weeks of classes
1 night a week for 2 hours each night.
All other business -
Alex K8ARK - software defined radio- takes a section of a band and displays it on the
computer.Very impressive - Alex presented the documentation and passed around the device.
Alex also set up a computer to do a demonstration of the device.
K8ARK.com has a link to the site for kit and further information.
Jerry presented Santa Cruz County Communication Badges to Kathi and Anne.
George Motion to close meeting at 8:44 and Anne second the motion.
Meeting adjorned.
Next meeting August 3, 2009.