2017-Jul-06 minutes

The meeting was called to order at 1900 hrs Thurs July 6.

Present were: John, Bert, Dan, and Penny.

ARES report: Gary is ill and will not be able to attend S. Clara Co EC mtg. on 7-13. He has suggested that Bert and Dan might like to attend in his place.


July 11. Bert

July 18. Dan

July 25. John

Aug 1. Penny

No treasurer's report.

There was discussion of having a fundraiser. Go Fund Me and Mtn Residents' Night Out were mentioned.

Last month's minutes were approved.

Equipment report: KC6TYG repeater went down last month. Bert and John rebooted it and it is working fine now.

AE6KE AB6VU are both working.

No EC report.

New Business : club will look into having a booth at

Mtn Residents Night Out for donations to the club and to encourage interested community members to get licenses/join.

Action Items:

Bert to email Bill for club treasury balance.

Dan to research if it is ok to charge for Ham license instruction.

Bert to find out where/when ARES EC mtg is and let Dan know.

Penny to look into a booth at Mtn Res Night Out.

Education: D Star digital voice system is similar to packet but for voice communication. Bert has I Com radio and picked up Scotland London Louisiana and California. Crystal clear reception was very impressive due to error correction and interweaving technology. 147.38 MHz. In order to broadcast on this system, one must fill out application forms.

Mtg adjourned 1948 hrs.

Penny (acting secretary)