2013-Oct-03 minutes

10-­03-­2013 LPARC Minutes

LPARC Minutes

Present: Austin Lesea, Vice President; Kathi Larkin, Secretary, Bill Rose, Treasurer; David Katinsky, Jennifer Katinsky, Jeff Miller, David Watson, Vic Linderholm

Austin called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm

Approval of the September 5, 2013 minutes

David suggests we approve minutes Jennifer seconds, approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill Rose



10/8 - Austin 10/15 - George 10/22 - Kathi 10/29 - Jennifer 11/5 - David


WorkPartyonSundaySeptember29th,2013wentwell. BillandDavidclimbedthetowerandAustin,Charie and Kathi worked below. Windmill, antenna, all seem to be working great.

Real Estate deal fell through with Charlie’s property.

KC6 TYG repeater arrived and seems to be working at Austin’s house.

President’s Report


Old Business

Cap says we need an EC for our area.

New Business

Jeff wonders if we can do an outreach event to the local schools. Maybe focus more on the digital side. Jeff will check with CTE and LGHS.

Last week Cap announced that W6WLS repeater will be down for a as much as a month while it is moved to another location. In the meantime, the County net will be run on KI6FKX 147.270 +PL 94.8 which is on Mt. Toro, south of Salinas.


Teach Kathi how to program her radio, please :) Kathi motions to adjourn, David seconds, adjourned at 7:25 pm