2008-Jun-02 minutes
June 2, 2008 minutes
LPARC Minutes 2008-06-02
--- President David N2RDT called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM in the Burrell Fire Station
--- Attendees: Charlie AB6VS, Vic AE6ID, George AE6KE, Alex KC6TYG, Cap KE6AFE, Bill KG6VMX, Ann KI6OGJ, David N2RDT and Marc W6ZZZ
--- Guests: Hannah
Minutes From Last Month
--- Minutes from the May meeting were approved
--- Minutes for past months are available in MS Word format at http://www.lparc.org/meetingminutes
Treasurer’s Report
--- Income of $50 from dues, monthly expense of $25.26 for the phone in the repeater shack (used for remote control and phone patches), balance of $1114.97 at end-of-month
LPARC Business
--- National Night Out event us Tuesday August 5 at the Loma gazebo/playfield. LPARC will have a table there with volunteers (you) to answer questions about using ham radios in emergencies (like the recent Santa Cruz mountains fires), Marc W6ZZZ will bring some literature from the ARRL to hand out
--- The July 7 LPARC meeting will be held at the Loma Prieta Community Center and will include a demo of out emergency radio setup there
ARES Business
--- Cap had some handouts
--- 2 ops are needed for the Summit fire coverage at Santa Clara and Santa Cruz
AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report
--- All okay reported by Charlie, AB6VS
Net Control for the local Loma Prieta net every Tuesday at 7:15 PM
--- 6/03 George AE6KE --- 6/17 David N2RDT
--- 6/10 Vic AE6ID --- 6/24 Bill KG6VMX --- 7/1 Marc W6ZZZ
The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 PM.
- Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary
- Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club ( http://www.lparc.org/ )
- Serving the Los Gatos Mountains community with emphasis on emergency preparedness and response