2013-Apr-04 minutes

LPARC Minutes

April 4, 2013


George Smith, President; Austin Lesea, Vice President; Kathi Larkin, Secretary; Bill Rose, Treasurer; David Katinsky.

George Smith called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm

Approval of the March 7, 2013 minutes

David moves we approve, Bill seconds, approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill Rose

$1142.34 current balance

No change in the balance. No income, no expenses.

12 members, 2 are family members.


4/9 - Austin

4/16 - George

4/23 - Kathi

4/30 - David

(next meeting is May 2nd)


KC6TYG repeater – Died again. Appears to be the controller.

Bert went up there and it worked just fine, and we used it for CERT training, but the next morning it was dead again. Same exact make as ours, but the controller is not the same. Yaesu Vertex controller.


Windmill is off the post. Works just fine.

Step #1 - Bring down antenna and cable

Step #2 - Figure out what is wrong

Need to check on the blades. It has been 10 years!

K6BJ folks expressed interest in helping, so work party is on. George and David and Austin.

Sunday April 7th, 8 am


Cap called to say it was producing an annoying tone. George went up there. Swapped out to newer batteries. Driving around the back is not acceptable. Heroic efforts were expended.

David asks if we should not have a backup power system at this important repeater.

Austin says Solar panel might be all that is needed there, but panels are about $5/watt, so 100 watt panel is about $500.

President’s Report – George Smith

April 27 is MERC Shelter Drill at Lakeside. 9am – 1pm

Hams invited to participate.

Old Business

New Business

Summit CERT Thanks LPARC ARES for their Support!

Big thanks to Austin for helping with the CERT training in March and the Final Exercise and to George for attending.

Looking forward to working with ARES hams again soon, possibly on CERT Command Training and/or on a Summit Area Multi Agency Drill.

Science Fair Day April 6th

Jennifer Katinsky will set it up – thank you!

Skyland Run July 6th

Stricter at the County, now they want to know details about the Event Plan.

Target this date for AB6VS repeater repairs.


Austin asked us to bring our HTs and dial in a simplex and a repeater frequency that was not pre-programmed. We succeeded.

Always a good idea to have instructions with your radio and cheat sheets.

Laminated Nifty Guides

Austin motions to adjourn, Kathi seconds, adjourned at 7:55 pm