2013-Nov-07 minutes

LPARC Minutes

Present: George Smith, President; Austin Lesea, Vice President; Kathi Larkin, Secretary, Bill Rose, Treasurer; David Katinsky, Jennifer Katinsky, David Watson, Kay Fanucci

Guests -

Sam, looking to get his technician license.

Rick Smith, already a technician class - KF6YXR

Ian McDonald, not yet a ham.

George called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm

Approval of the October 3, 2013 minutes

Austin suggests we approve minutes David seconds, approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill Rose

$1006.08 - current balance

Income of $25 dues from Cap

Outgo $49.98 rope


11/12 - George

11/19 - Austin

11/26 - Kathi

12/3 - David


All is well. Windmill, antenna, solar panel all seem to be working great.

KC6 TYG repeater is still at LPFR station.

President’s Report


Old Business

Cap says we need an EC for our area. Gary is giving this serious consideration.

New Business

Slate for 2014 officers, David proposes and Jennifer seconds that we keep the same slate.

Next month is elections.

Bring dues for 2014 next month if you did not pay today.

W6WLS is still in need of fine-tuning, so in the meantime, the County net will be run on KI6FKX 147.270 +PL 94.8 which is on Mt. Toro, south of Salinas.

Austin put a battery monitor in the AB6VS shed. Once he gets it hooked up, it will send morse code numbers every 10 minutes identifying radio power.


None. Austin will bring us some FL Digi training maybe next month.

Austin motions to adjourn, Jennifer seconds, adjourned at 8:00 pm