2010-Jun-07 minutes
Kathi, Bill, George, Charlie, Jerry, others?
Open at 19:40
Meeting minutes for the May meeting were sent out via email by Jennifer on May 4th.
Bill (William) provided the Treasurer's Report to George:
George will update this
$1891.42 balance as of today.
$ 35.12 phone bill (possibly last month)
$ 00.00 deposit of dues
Bill sent messages to those still missing dues for this year- 4 members.
Equipment Status
From May meeting: Started discussion to elevate repeater antenna 20 feet (AE6KE). Nothing has been done at this point, this needs to be addressed. Again, NOTE FOR NEXT MEETING.
Net control operators for May
6/8 George
6/15 Bill
6/22 Kathi
6/29 Jerry
7/6 Kathi
Next Club Meeting will be July 12th, not July 5th due to the proximity to the holiday.
Kathi will take the county net June 22, 2010.
Fundamentals of Disaster Communications at SJ Sheriff's on June 19th.
New repeater: W60PI, per Jerry Inman
Monthly Focus Item - Repeater Site Work Party
From May meeting: David suggested the work party be done at AE6KE for the raising of the antenna. Discussion will need to continue when George returns.
Work Party in July to be scheduled at July 12th meeting.
New business:
July 10th Skyland Run - George to find out if they want hams to participate again.
From May: We have been invited to participate at Residents Night Out at the Loma Prieta Playfield, Tuesday August 3, 2010. We will participate. David to respond to Sue Pierce in the affirmative. Suggested ideas for expanding the displays for the evening.
Robin Porter told Kathi LPCF plans to give away a bucket to all to encourage visitors to visit each booth, so have give-aways prepared, maybe something about time and date of ham meetings, encouraging new hams. Sign up sheet, too.
We need to get the new radio operators (CERT,MERC,LPFD) to participate in the Tuesday nets.
Old business:
No old business.
No training tonight.
Motion to adjorn. 8:23PM.
Monthly focus item - What do we have planned for this year?
Jan - Discuss of what we what to do this year.
Feb - Options for Field Day
Mar - Participation for Field Day
Apr - MNN article direct mailings for Field Day
May - Repeater work day
Jun - Field Day - last full weekend in Jun.
Jul - BBQ and Antenna Building Party
Aug - Nominating - National Night Out
Sep - Fox/Tee Hunt
Oct - Special Event
Nov - Elections
2010 LPARC Officers
David Katinsky - President
Kathi Larkin - Vice President
Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary
Bill Rose - Treasurer