
LPARC ARES & club net script



(Ask a control operator to set up the link between AB6VU and AE6KE at about 7:10, if it hasn’t already been hooked up. )

Attention all amateurs. This is the Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Emergency Service net, combined with the Loma Prieta Radio Club net. This Loma Prieta net meets every Tuesday evening at 7:15 PM on the AB6VU repeater at 440.550 MHz, linked with the AE6KE repeater at 146.835 MHz. Both repeaters use a PL of 94.8 Hz. This net may be interrupted at any time for emergency or priority traffic with a double "break."


All amateurs are invited to participate in this net. This is _________(call), your Net Control Station.


Check in follows. All ARES and club members please check in. When you check in with your callsign phonetically, please indicate if you have a report for the net.

(Accept check-ins, acknowledging each.)

Visitors are welcome on the Loma Prieta net. Are there any visitors wishing to check in?

(Log and acknowledge all visitor check-ins.)

Are there any late or missed check-ins, either members or visitors?

(Log and acknowledge all late or missed check-ins.)

We will now take any reports.

(Take reports and QSTs in call suffix order.)

Is there training prepared for tonight? If so, please respond with your callsign.

(After getting the net back from training, continue…)

Does the EC have any comments?

Are there any questions or comments before closing the net?

This concludes the Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Emergency Service net, combined with the Loma Prieta Radio Club net. The next meeting of this net will be next Tuesday at 7:15 PM.

(1st Tuesday of month ONLY) The Santa Cruz County ARES net will follow at 7:30 on the WB6ECE repeater network (441.300+ PL 100Hz) which is linked with 7 other repeaters.

The AB6VU and AE6KE repeaters are now returned to normal operation.

This is net control station _______ (call). Good night.

(Call a control operator and ask to have the link taken off.)

(Please send a report with the number of check-ins to the LPARC ARES EC bbailey@stellarsolutions.com)

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