2007-Mar-05 minutes
March 5, 2007 minutes
--- President David, N2RDT, called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM in the CDF Burrell Fire Station
--- Attendees were Charlie AB6VS, George AE6KE, Bill KG6VMX, David N2RDT and Marc W6ZZZ
Minutes From Last Month
--- Minutes from the February meeting were approved
Treasurer’s Report
--- Balance as of Feb 28 is $625.55, $125 in dues received, expenditures of 24.48 for telephone at the AB6VS repeater shack, report approved
--- Yearly LPARC membership dues are $25/year individual or $30/year family (and they are due now)
General Business
--- A discussion topic for the April LPARC meeting will be putting an antenna mount on the Loma Prieta Community Center (the previous mount was removed when the building was re-roofed)
--- David N2RDT reports that the KC6TYG repeater has excellent coverage on the Santa Clara side of the hill and he can use it all the way from Sunnyvale to home, 440.650 MHz and 94.8 pl (David suggests that everyone should program their radios and try it out)
--- David N2RDT has the new LPARC.ORG domain and web page up and running, you can send an email to the radio club members or officers by using the addresses [ask N2RDT]
--- George AE6KE handed out an updated LPARC roster listing 20 members
--- Motion to waive the LPARC dues for the members hosting the AB6VS and AE6KE repeaters on their properties – seconded and approved
AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report
--- A-ok
AE6KE ARES Repeater Equipment Report
--- The AE6KE repeater equipment has been moved, last weekend the final step was the antenna and tower
--- Training Saturday March 10th 9AM to Noon – Mutual Aid Communicator “SHADOWING or Communicating During Chaos”, sign up by March 7th, see HYPERLINK "http://www.scc-ares-races.org/MACDrill/macsignup-shadow.html" http://www.scc-ares-races.org/MACDrill/macsignup-shadow.html
--- Two notes from Marc W6ZZZ about the Santa Cruz County ARES net – first remember “KHT” or “key-hesitate-talk” and wait for the linked repeaters to all activate before you start talking and secondly please give your call sign phonetically (for a list of standard phonetics see HYPERLINK "http://www.scc-ares-races.org/phoneticalphabet.html" http://www.scc-ares-races.org/phoneticalphabet.html )
--- Charlie AB6VS, George AE6KE and Cap KE6AFE are giving a talk on March 7th to the Loma Prieta Club about Loma Prieta ARES and ham radios role in emergency preparedness and response
Net Control
--- 3/6 Charlie AB6VS --- 3/13 George AE6KE (county)
--- 3/20 Bill KG6VMX --- 3/27 David N2RDT (county)
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary