2016-Aug-04 minutes
August 04, 2016 LPARC Minutes
Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President
Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer
Gary Watson, K6PDL, ARES EC
John Yontz, KA6HCG, member
Dave Freund, KM6BZE, Visitor
Bert called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. Dave Freund introduced himself to the club. Dave is an independent Handy man contractor who does a lot of business in the Santa Cruz Mountains. He just got his HAM license in April and is excited to interact with the Club.
Treasurer’s Report
Bill reported that the club current balance is $1026.47. However, Bert had receipts for J-pole antenna supplies and club Tripod PVC center poles, which Bill refunded with a check to Bert $83.30 at the meeting.
09 AU16 Bill
16 AU16 Bert
23 AU16 Austin*
30 AU16 George*
Since Austin and George did not attend the meeting – if they have a problem doing the net on the assigned days, could they please call Bert as a back-up.
• Bert reported that the KC6TYG, AE6KA and AB6VS repeaters are working fine.
• Previously George had requested the squelch codes for the AE6KE repeater. Gary called CAP and got them and turned them over to Austin and George.
• The AE6KE repeater is working well, as long as it does not rain.
• Bert mentioned that 2 antennas, 2 tripods and 2 cables and a power supply had been contributed to the club by the Community Foundation. Bert also mentioned that he and John picked up from Santa Cruz county 2 antennas, 2 tripods and 2 cables a Rig-Runner DC distribution panel and a power supply. This is all the equipment that the county had lost in the Loma Prieta fire. Bert suggested that if we are able to place 2 antennas on the roof and keep 2 antennas for deployment elsewhere –this would work well. The club now has all the hardware necessary to deploy one voice and one packet position during a disaster event.
• Bert and Gary went over to Loma Prieta to talk to the Loma Prieta rebuild/Maintenance manager, Tom Levenhager (408-353-8632) to request space in one of the school outbuildings. Tom showed us where the ARES equipment storage cabinet and operations tables could be setup. Bert mentioned that it was desirable to place 2 antennas on the roof of the temp building. Tom agreed, with reservation, to this as long as the antennas were not permanently mounted to the roof. Gary mentioned that the tripods could be mounted on a wooden frame and held in place with sand bags.
• Bert mentioned that he and John had been looking for a cabinet to keep the hardware. John had found an ideal cabinet, but it cost $205. Bert asked if the club would consider this cabinet. Bill recommended that we consider doing more research to find a lower cost solution. All were given the action item to look for the best solution to finding a cabinet. Currently, Bill, Bert and Gary have ARES equipment stored at their homes, which should be stored at the Loma Prieta School.
• Gary also mentioned that he has updated the club computer to operate with the latest version of Windows 10 (ver. 16.07). He has installed Fldigi, RMS Express and is in the process of installing Outpost.
• Gary brought an emergency generator that is to be used by the club in case of an event. He is having trouble getting it to start. Last month George volunteered to help Gary to get the generator to start. Gary will drop it off at George’s house.
ARES EC Report
Gary provided no EC report, but did mention the upcoming Run Through the Redwoods on 21AU16.Ham operators are needed – if interested contact Dan Selling at dan.selling@gmail.com to volunteer.
President’s Report
• N/A
• Bert presented a training session on the building and testing of J-pole antennas for folks’ HTs at the monthly meeting. Bill, Dave and John all built J-Pole antennas. Fun was had by all.
• Bert also plans to give training and hands on use of a SWR meter at the 01 September 2016 meeting.
New Business
• N/A
Old Business
The meeting was adjourned at 0920 PM.