2013-May-02 minutes
LPARC Minutes
May 2, 2013
George Smith, President; Kathi Larkin, Secretary; David Katinsky.
Guest: Jeff Miller
George Smith called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm
Approval of the April 4, 2013 minutes
George moves we approve, David seconds, approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Bill Rose
From last month:
$1142.34 current balance
No change in the balance. No income, no expenses.
12 members, 2 are family members.
5/7 - George
5/14 - Austin
5/21 – Jennifer?
5/28 - Kathi
6/4 – Bill?
(next meeting is June 6th)
KC6TYG repeater – Not sure of the status. David tested and it is still down.
AB6VS repeater (at Charlie’s)
Work Party Sunday April 7th:
David bravely climbed the tower.
Austin ordered new blades. The screws seem to have vibrated loose. Need something better?
Antenna seemed to be in good working order.
AE6KE (Adams Rd.)
George and Bill went over after the Red Cross Shelter Drill
From last month:
Cap called to say it was producing an annoying tone. George went up there. Swapped out to newer batteries. Driving around the back is not acceptable. Heroic efforts were expended. David asks if we should not have a backup power system at this important repeater. Austin says Solar panel might be all that is needed there, but panels are about $5/watt, so 100 watt panel is about $500.
President’s Report – George Smith
Old Business
April 27 was MERC Shelter Drill at Lakeside. 9am – 1pm
Bill Rose was tasked to be communications person. He verified from Lakeside he could hit AB6VS and the Red Cross repeater in San Jose.
4 newbies got to act as shelter workers.
Skyland Run July 6th
Stricter at the County, now they want to know details about the Event Plan.
Target this date for AB6VS repeater repairs.
No news, David will talk with Terry.
Science Fair – Thanks to Jennifer!
That’s how our guest Jeff found out about the club.
New Business
LPFR 50th Anniversary BBQ
June 2nd, 11am – 4pm
Bring your friends!
Jeff inquired about joining the club prior to getting his license.
George motions to adjourn, Kathi seconds, adjourned at 8pm