2016-Feb-04 minutes
February 04, 2016 LPARC Minutes
Austin Lesea, AB6VU, President
Bert Bailey, KG6MBA, Vice President
Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer
Gary Watson, K6PDL, ARES EC
George Smith, AE6KE, member
John Yontz, KA6HCG, Guest
Bert Bailey introduced a guest, John Yontz, KA6HCG. John is a Novice and is working on his Technician license. John has lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains for a long time. He is retired from Varian Corp. He lives up on Adams road Welcome John!
Austin called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
Approval of the January 07, 2016 minutes
Accepted without change.
Treasurer’s Report
Bill reported that the club current balance is $901.97, having received ~$215 in dues during the last month.
Bill did collect new dues of $25 from the attendees at the meeting
09FE16 Bill
16FE16 George
23FE16 Bert
01MR16 Austin
Austin reported that he has purchased the Extra solar panel for the AB6VS repeater. His expenses were ~$130.00. Bert made the motion that the club purchases a second solar panel and the motion was seconded and carried. Austin will get a second solar panel. In the spring there will be a work party to put the panel up and take down the windmill.
The AE6KE repeater is having sensitivity problems. Bert will go to the AE6KE location and try to find out what is causing the sensitivity problem.
The KC6TYG repeater was shipped back to the vendor. Austin discovered that the repeater had a temperature problem. The repeater doesn’t like cold weather.
Bert is working on getting a list of equipment losses to county. The county recommended that Bert contact Cap, KE6AFE regarding selection of recommended replacement equipment. There was discussion of whether LPARC should consider HF capability; George recommended that we stay with VHF/UHF radios only. The club agreed.
ARES EC Report
Gary reported that the following events were coming up:
26th Sea Otter Classic will be held on April 14-17, 2016. Help from amateur radio operators has been a vital resource for communication in the Fort Ord National Monument back country.
Big Sur International Marathon is coming up on April-24-16
Superbowl HAM activity will be on the AA6BT repeater (146.115 MHz, PL 100Hz). Gary recommended that between 10:00AM to 10:00PM to monitor the AA6BT repeater.
President’s Report
New Business
Old Business