2011-Nov-07 minutes

David, Jennifer, Bill, Leon, Charlie, Kathi, Bob, Deanna Arnold, Ann, Sandra Hand, Michael Hand, Mike Clark

November 7, 2011

Burrell CAL FIRE Station

Open at 19:08

Meeting minutes from the October meeting were read and accepted as read.

Deferred Treasurer's Report as Bill

Bill provided the Treasurer's Report:

Closed out account with a balance of $1753.75

Closed out account with Verizon for phone.

Balances as of October Meeting:

$1758.75 balance as of last treasurer's report

$1758.75 balance as of today

Club Dues - $25.00 individual

$30.00 family

George Smith paid $30.00 - 2012 dues for family

Equipment Status

AB6VS - is doing fine - if anyone hears performance degredation please report.

AE6KE - George will measure the length needed for the feed line.

continued water in line - still need to deal with sealing the coax to avoid water intrusion.

Net control operators for September 2011 - Thank you to those who have volunteered!

11/8 David

11/15 George

11/22 Kathi Kathi w/county net

11/29 N2RDU


Kathi provided information that the FCC emergency alert system on Wednesday November 9th at 11:00 PST.

Website http://myhazards.calema.ca.gov/ which ways you are at risk at that location.

New business:

Welcome to all our guests!

Election - Nominations - Anyone?

Nomination of David Katinsky as President

Nomination of George Smith as Vice President ***GEORGE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT 2013*****

Nomination of Bill Rose as Treasurer

Nomination of Jennifer Katinsky as Secretary

Bob Davis motioned, Kathi Larkin seconded - the slate be elected as set since the slate is not challenged.

The slate was voted and approved by all for acceptance of the 2012 Board.

Bob Davis is coordinating ARES communications for the Los Gatos Christmas Parade on December 3rd.

If you wish to participate as an ARES member - Bert Fry

ARES is a function of the ARRL-National Group - Prepare and Train for Disaster Communications.

When there an actual disaster RACES is the over arching organization - ARES people become RACES

in an emergency situation. RACES is officially a government agency - ARES - Amateur Radio DSW -

Disaster Services Workers.

To be an ARES member - you need to have equipment and license - you need to make a commitment to

be available in a disaster.

There are a few courses on line by Santa Clara ARES. The ARES group here on the mountain is under the

Santa Cruz County ARES.

West Valley Emergency Preparedness Excercise took place - Bob is communications officer for DART (LG)

Discussion of Club Activities, Net Control, and how the club members help in an emergency.

It was metioned that Santa Clara County is allocating funds to provide new antennas and drops in fire houses.

Woshin Radio - Dual Band Radio New for $120 available at HRO www.hamradio.com.

Suggestion made for getting a AA battery pack.

Yaesu Radio - Another Dual Band Radio.

Recommendation for join ARRL - National Lobbying Organization - FCC and ARRL good two way relationship.

Monthly journal for ARRL members - providing Reviews on Equipments, Contesting Announcements, Technical

articles - information for new radio operators.

Discussion of different frequencies and their uses by different public service organizations, pilots and

Amateur Radio Operators.

A new Roster has been requested - proposed members would be helpful, along with past presidents - update

is requested.


Old business:

Jennifer to follow up with Sherry McNamara about the Boy Scout involvement.

New ideas for people to be apart of the club - Boy Scouts? Scout Leaders Ricardo David, Bill Taylor

are interested. Jennifer to follow up with Sherry, Ricardo and Bill.

Work with CERT and MERT as an adjunct group?

We need to consider evaluating what a successful membership drive would look like,

Reach out with other groups for interacting both socially and training.

More training of core competency this group is looking to have training with ARES.

Any existing coordination between CERT, MERT and LPARC? Informally, David, Bill and George.

Looking to establish training with CERT and LPARC - Email to Kathi to get involvement from CERT.

Communication - Activated through EOC - MERT is able to self activate or activated by Red Cross

CERT is activated by the Fire Departments.

CERT - Questions? Joint Meeting?

Learn more about the relationship with Volunteer Fire Department and LPARC (expectations during emergency)

Discussion to make HAM radio more interesting to others and gain more members.

Perhaps to pull a list of all HAMs in the 95033 95030 95073.

A question was asked about what happens if the repeater site is sold. If the repeater site is sold,

All club equipment at the site would need to be gathered.

Need Volunteers:

Looking for a liaison to the Santa Cruz County and Santa Clara County Emergency Coordinator.

Looking for an ARES Coordinator.

Next Meeting December 5, 2011.

Motion to adjourn by George and Leon.

Meeting closed at 20:25.

2011 LPARC Officers

David Katinsky - President

***vacant***- Vice President

Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary

Bill Rose - Treasurer