2007-Aug-06 minutes

August 6, 2007 minutes

LPARC Minutes 2007-08-06

--- President David, N2RDT, called the meeting to order at 7:41 PM in the CDF Burrell Fire Station

--- Attendees: Charlie AB6VS, George AE6KE, Leon KD6FAQ, David N2RDT, Jennifer N2RDU, Marc W6ZZZ

--- Guest: Hannah

Minutes From Last Month

--- Minutes from the July meeting were approved; minutes are emailed to all members each month

Treasurer’s Report

--- End of month balance of $724.74, expenditures of $25.58 for telephone at the repeater shack

LPARC Business

--- August 7 (Tuesday) - LPARC to participate in community National Night Out (at Redwood Estates pavilion), we’ll have a table with ARRL handouts and N2RDT’s HF/VHF/UHF radio will be on-the-air

--- August 11 (Saturday) - ASVARO electronics flea market at De Anza college, see:


--- September 3 (Monday) - next LPARC meeting (TBD since that’s a holiday)

--- The nominating committee for 2008 LPARC officers is Jennifer N2RDT

--- Discussion was held about a request we received to provide communications for a walk-a-thon on October 21. Consensus was that it’s a bit out of our geographical area. Jennifer N2RDT will get some more info and George AE6KE will post it to the EC Net (email) to see if some closer group is interested.

ARES Business

--- A new AEC (assistant emergency coordinator) for training is still needed, see George AE6KE for details

Old Business from Previous Months

--- Marc W6ZZZ to investigate brackets for the antennas on the LPCC building (contact Tom Levenhagen)

AB6VS LPARC Repeater Equipment Report

--- Charlie AB6VS reports that the wind turbine might not be working. But we need to get some wind so it can be checked out.

--- Discussion was held about getting a replacement for the repeater controller (it’s at the end of its useful life). David N2RDT will email out an itemized list of the replacement parts.

AE6KE ARES Repeater Equipment Report

--- Nothing to report

Net Control for the Santa Cruz county ARES net and the local Loma Prieta net

--- 8/7 David N2RDT (LP) --- 8/14 George AE6KE (county and LP)

--- 8/21 Marc W6ZZZ (LP) --- 8/28 Hank K6ITM (county) & Charlie AB6VS (LP)

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 PM.


Submitted by Marc W6ZZZ, LPARC Secretary


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