Serving the Los Gatos Mountains community with emphasis on emergency preparedness and response
AB6VU 440.550MHz+ AE6KE 146.835MHz- KC6TYG 440.650MHz+ all with CTCSS 94.8
Net control volunteers
12/12 Dan
12/19 Pam
12.26 Penny
1/2 Kathy
Net on KC6TYG, 440.650 MHz this month. Net control, please announce this information on AE6KE just prior to the net time.
Important links
Club information
Monthly meetings
Club meetings are normally held the first Thursday of each month at the Community Center at Loma Prieta Scool next to Building Blocks at 23845 Summit Road Los Gatos, Ca. Meetings start at 7:00 PM and usually last about an hour. the meetings are also held on Webex.
Weekly nets
The LPARC ARES & club net is conducted each Tuesday at 7:15PM on the KC6TYG on 440.650 with a PL of 94.8 Hz with a positive offset. We also have two other repeaters AB6VU & AE6KE . The Santa Cruz County ARES net is conducted on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM on WB6ECE repeater network . Complete information is available from the Santa Cruz County ARES web pages.
Loma Prieta Amateur Radio Club
2024 Club Officers
President: Penny Allen KM6JUO Vice President: Tammy Snyder KD6DQW
Secretary: Kathy Adams KD6SEI Treasurer: Dan Pugh KM6GNG