2021-Apr-01 minutes

LPARC Meeting Minutes 4/1/2021

Meetiing called to order 19:05


KM6JUO Penny call in user 3


KD6SEI Kathy


KM6MBA Bert call in user 2

AC6E Mike Meyers

KM6ZWR Jack Saratoga

Motion to approve last weeks meeting minutes approved.

Net assignments:


04/06 Dan

04/13 Penny Santa Clara County ARES net control at 2000 hours

04/20 Mike

04/27 Pam

05/04 Bert

Treasurer's Report:

No report this month

Club account balance:

Equipment Report:

KC6TYG working well

AB6VU down for repair

AE6KEi link down

Dan has spent time working on the KC6TYG repeater linking project.

One issue we are having is due to RF radiation issues.

Bert wants to buy shielding grounding cables to cut down RF interference

for about $100. Penny / Pam approved the request.

President's Report:

Penny started reading the FCC rules for ham and saw

the 'radio amateur's code' and wanted to find out what the rules

are as to what can and can't be said on the air.

ARRL: considerate, don't interfere with others intentionally,

support other amateurs, keep station up to date/well built,

operation practices above reproach. Radio hobby doesn't

interfere with work/school/public. Good language, etc.

Upcoming Events / Activities:


Help individual members setup their stations or other

activities so that we can get to know each other better.

Mike G wanted to make a portable HF antenna.

Mike M suggested 40m/80m NVIS (Near Vertical Incident Skywave)

antenna supports up to 300 miles for 80m / 200 miles for 40m antenna

based on a DX engineering examples.

Bert suggested the NVIS antenna works better close (~6 feet) to the ground.

Mike was suggestion ~15 feet.

Penny suggested we do this for April exercise: date: 1400-1700 25th Sunday

at LPARC. Bert will bring his HF radio.

New Business:

Santa Cruz Coastal Area has a new EC: John N6QX.

Gary Watson is the ADEC

Robert Richie is te DEC

Old Business:

Meeting adjourned at 19:51 PM.