2010-Jan-04 minutes

Kathi, George, David, Jennifer, Charlie, Ann, Vic, Kay, Cloud, Hannah, Leon, Bill, Harold.

Open at 7:38

Meeting minutes for the December meeting were discussed - David posted information on the webpage.

  • David made comment that Google has moved our webpage to Google Sites.

  • This is now a wiki based service and is slightly different then Google Pages.

Treasurer's report

George has handed responsibilities to Bill (William) need to get David to meet at Chase

to get a signature card.

$1003.41 balance as of today.

$ 34.90 phone bill

$ 80.00 deposit of dues

  • Why do we have long distance? Need to determine the local boundaries for our phone.

Equipment Status

  • Battery has been keeping charge. Sun and Wind are doing fine.

  • David and Austin still need to install the DVR.

  • George reported - AE6KE repeater is still in the shape it has been. George has someone to perhaps add a PL on the output for a nominal charge. The repeater will be out of commission over a weekend.

  • Expenditure motioned by Vic to allocate funds to buy PL encoder board no more then $100.00. Second by Charlie - All agreed. Motion passed.

  • Weather station is not what we thought. George has offered to purchase the controller if people do not feel it is worth keeping for the club. If others do not find it useful then should we sell the unit to George? Austin and George have discussed. Discussion took place at meeting. Vic motioned to sell the weather station to George for $700.00. Second by Kay - All agreed. Motion passed.


  • Bert Bailey will be providing HAM radio classes for those interested

  • Discussion about how to do training exercises on repeaters started by Kathi. As trustee Charlie can provide "permission".

  • Training - Performance Standards and Best Practices Performance and Standards Doc.

    • http://www.scc-ares-races.org/SCCo_Perf_Stds_v1.0.2_rev091218.pdf Something that should be in everyone's GO Kit

  • George presented some of the radio transmission best practices. - Don't sit on your mic.

  • George to email the PDF. Please look at the operations page for the Santa Clara ARES/RACES.

Net control operators for January

  • 1/5 George

  • 1/12 Kathi

  • 1/19 Bill R.

  • 1/26 Jennifer

Jennifer will take the county net for January, March, May. Kathi will take the net in February, April, June.


  • ICS 100, 200, 700 - required - www.fema.gov

  • 1/16 or 2/6 - 9-12 Sunnyvale field operations class - what to do when you are out on assignment. Santa Clara ARES website sign up required.

  • 2/11 - ICS 300 class - more information to come.

  • 1/23 - ARES Drill - typically in the afternoon.

Monthly focus items - What do we have planned for this year?

Jan - Discuss of what we what to do this year.

Feb - Options for Field Day -

Mar - Participation for Field Day

Apr - MNN article direct mailings for Field Day

May - Repeater work day

Jun - Field Day - last full weekend in Jun.

Jul - BBQ and Antenna Building Party

Aug - Nominating - National Night Out

Sep - Fox/Tee Hunt

Oct - Special Event

Nov - Elections

Ideas of a Fox/T-Hunt

How to build a suitable antenna - something that we could all do together outside this room!

Positive Interest in Field Day - Our own event or request we join another club. We will discuss at February meeting.

Message passing drill and service agency drills. Quarterly Drills are great practice.

All Santa Clara Drill information can be located on the Santa Clara ARES website.



No New Business to Discuss.

No Old Business to Discuss.

Motion to adjourn. 8:42

2010 LPARC Officers

David Katinsky - President

Kathi Larkin - Vice President

Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary

Bill Rose - Treasurer

Minutes submitted by Jennifer Katinsky, Secretary