2012-Feb-06 minutes

David, Jennifer, Leon, Bob, Bert

February 6, 2012

Burrell CAL FIRE Station

Open at 19:13

Meeting minutes from the January meeting were read and accepted as read.

Treasurer's Report by Bill via email

New Account opened at USBANK.

(No fees as long as we stay below 150 transactions per month.)

Account balance of $1822.84

Balances as of February Meeting:

$1732.84 balance as of last treasurer's report

$ 90.00 balance of dues collected

Club Dues are now due! Please present your membership fees along with roster information to Bill Rose as soon as possible.

Membership dues collected on February 6, 2012 = $30.00 via check.

Club Dues - $25.00 individual

$30.00 family

Please mail checks (made payable to LPARC) to:


P.O. Box 385

Redwood Estates, CA 95044

Equipment Status

AB6VS - AE6KE - Problem with linking repeaters over the past week. Austin believes the issue was localized to interference. The repeaters seem to be linking properly now.

Net control operators for February 2012 - Thank you to those who have volunteered!

2/07 David

2/14 Kathi


2/28 Jennifer w/County Net


Sea Otter Classic Celebration of Cycling

April 19-22, 2012 Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Looking for Field Operators and Net Controls for the events.

David attended the PG&E Handling Gas and Electric Hazards at LPVFR - Leon agreed it was educational. Key message: Do not touch a hazard and contact PG&E. There was a lot of good information - there will be future opportunities for ARES members to attend.

New business:

Discussion of Field Day-what if anything would we want to do?

License Class SC4-HAM 2 day licensing class at South Skyland

MARCH 3-4,2012 from 9:00-4:30 by KI6FAO.

Bert will be starting another licensing class begining the first Wednesday in April 4/4/2012 - running for 4 consecutive Wednesdays at the LPVFR.

Loma Family Science Faire - LPARC will be participating - Saturday March 10, 2012

David and Jennifer ordered more pamphlets from ARRL for the club. (No expense to the club)

Discussion of cheap radios.

Discussion of survey results - survey presented to club last year - David reviewed results of the survey for all - more focus on Emergency Preparedness is key. Discussion on how the groups work with one another in the event of an emergency.

Discussion of club's ability to activate the radios at the community centers. Are we prepared for an emergency? Suggestion to have a meeting at the community center to discuss and learn where the equipment is and how to set it up.

Discussion of need to invite more speakers and have the audiance for the speaker.

Suggestion of having a "disaster" meeting.


No Training for this evening.

Old business:

Jennifer to continue effort with Sherry McNamara to involve the Boy Scouts.

Need Volunteers:

Looking for a liaison to the Santa Cruz County and

Santa Clara County Emergency Coordinator.

Looking for an ARES Coordinator.

Next Meeting March 5, 2012.

Motion to adjourn by Leon and Bert.

Meeting closed at 20:30.

2012 LPARC Officers

David Katinsky - President

George Smith - Vice President

Jennifer Katinsky - Secretary

Bill Rose - Treasurer