2014-Nov-06 minutes

11-06-2014 LPARC Minutes

LPARC Minutes


George Smith, AE6KE, President

Austin Lesea, AB6VU, Vice President

Kathi Larkin, KI6POY, Secretary

Bill Rose, KG6VMX, Treasurer

Gary Watson, K6PDL, E.C.

David Katinsky, N2RDT, Board

Visitor: Kathi’s sister, Lori

George called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm

Approval of the October 2, 2014 minutes

David motions, Austin seconds, approved.

Treasurer’s Report


Of the 11 paid memberships, 4 are family memberships.


11/11- George

11/18 - Austin

11/25 - Kathi

12/2 - Kathi

Elmer’s Net on WR6AOK (147.120 +PL94.8

Sam Sjoren, WB6RJH, of San Lorenzo Valley, will run this beginners’ net on Wednesday evenings at 8pm.


Both club repeaters seem to be working well.


Bill is working with Alex and Kathi to program the FT-8500 that resides at LPFR. LPFR will need to purchase the software (approx $25) so he can load the local frequencies on that radio).

Austin has approval from LPFR (is this correct?) to secure an antenna that will work on both 2m and 44cm repeaters.

ARES EC Report

The new computer for the LPCC ham radio room is not working. George will take it back, so they can troubleshoot.

Gary attended a Santa Clara County class about organizing drills.

President’s Report

George has been busy with Red Cross activities.

Old Business

Gary (the nomination committee) submitted these names for the slate, subject to the approval of the nominated individuals, before sending it up for a vote:

  • President: Austin Lesea, AB6VS

  • Vice President: Bert Bailey, KG6MBA

  • we have not heard back from Bert

  • alternate might be Jennifer K.

  • Secretary: Kathi Larkin, KI6POY

  • Treasurer: Bill Rose, KG6VMX

  • 1 Board Member:

  • Jennifer Katinsky, N2RDU

  • alternate might be David Katinsky, N2RDT

New Business N/A


Austin has lots of equipment for troubleshooting HT issues if needed.

George motions meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm